Des Porcs

Autour de la Piscine

Des Porcs Autour de la Piscine is my second novel. This time, since it contains autobiographical elements like pictures, I've decided to keep the control over its publication and to publish it by myself with the same means my editor used for L'Agneau Sacrificiel. It was not an easy choice to publish it independently - even though it wears the fake brand name "L'Appel du Loin" (a reference to the spirit of the story) to fill the empty space on the cover - but it was pretty interesting to work on this project and I have this feeling that nobody could have made it better than I did. This is my vision of what should be a book and I am really proud of the result.

French summary :

"Alexandre est un rêveur. Depuis son enfance, il se réfugie dans un univers mental qui l'aide à échapper à la réalité et à oublier une histoire personnelle qu'il se refuse à regarder en face. Mais lorsque le passé devient trop envahissant, lorsque rêver n'est plus possible sans que les belles images de l'esprit ne soient contaminées par une réalité trop brutale, Alexandre décide de faire face à son histoire en posant sur le papier différents épisodes de sa vie, de sa naissance jusqu'au moment où il s'est retourné sur son passé. Il faut éliminer les porcs autour de la piscine, un par un.

Dans ce second roman, Victorien Biet s'écrit et livre le récit de son enfance, de son adolescence et de sa vie de jeune adulte avec vérité et authenticité. Entre les pages de cet ouvrage s'étend un univers d'histoires et d'anecdotes intimes touchantes et parfois inquiétantes retraçant la vie d'un garçon toujours au bord du gouffre qui va apprendre, au contact de l'amour et de l'amitié, à rêver de nouveau."

Des Porcs Autour de la Piscine is available in french language on and Apple Books as a book or an e-book : buy.

To get a dedicated copy of my novel, you can contact me by sending me a message through the form on the bottom of this page.

L'Agneau Sacrificiel

L'Agneau Sacrificiel is my first novel. Published in 2021 by AlterPublishing Editions, it could be seen as an alternative to my work "I am happy because every one loves me" in this sens that this is not a story about the healing process. It's a story about the unleashing of madness and violence caused by society's rejection of difference and of the misunderstanding of the complexity of social norms. It's the absolute opposite of what I was trying to do with my work on Louis Wain's art.

This novel is the story, written at the first person of a retired killer that will return to his murderous instincts pushed by his unsolved childhood traumas resurrected by a society that needs him to make uniform his behaving with the rest of the people in a dysfunctional system which can only survivre by controlling, censoring and changing the deviants during an era of crisis. By becoming a serial killer and a mass murderer, my character is breaking up with society, defying all the rules of common sense and reason. Sinking into a christic delirium that will convince him that, by being the only one who dares defying the rules, he is the savior humanity is expecting. By killing more and more people, he imagins that he could absorb the innocence of his victims, like a vampire, and that he could simply steal their beauty to hide his scars in order to look more "saviorish" to humanity. Finaly, he's expecting that this is the only way for him to be respected, to be treated with sympathy and gentleness, as a parallel with the actions of the rulers toward society. They can only be respected by being repressive and violent. "Violence begets violence" and that's what is happening in this story. A dysfunctional and violent system is giving birth to an abomination that will return the pain that was inflicted to him by the systemic machine and its creatures. This is a story about a monstrosity shared between different kinds of monsters creating and feeding each other with violence, rejection and fanaticism.

L'Agneau Sacrificiel is available in french language on as a book or an e-book : buy.

To get a dedicated copy of my novel, you can contact me by sending me a message through the following form :